Rael Solan

Veena Viera, Healer, Mercenary

Rael Solan

Basic information

Age: 24
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 126lbs
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Race: Viera (Veena)
Nameday: Unknown
Eyes: Glowing Golden Green
Hair: Red
Physique: Short, light
Demeanor: Shy, soft spoken and nervous around new people. Slight speech problem.
Relationship status: In relationship
Birthplace: (Hidden)
Current Occupation: Chief Medical Officer for the Iron Wolves.


Likes: Reading, anything sweet, apple wine, plants and flowers.Dislikes: People touching his ears/tail without permission, Coffee.

A Veena's journey

Rael's life thus far has been a rollercoaster of emotions as he has learned to adapt to the outside world. From puberty to becoming a warder, growing up as the shortest, the weakest physically among the other males, rael left the life of the forest behind in an attempt to become something more. Though rocky starts are a common theme, he has found his way into a life he did not expect to find, but has embraced it in full. A brother, a friend, a mender to those broken and in need.


Thank you for reading thus far. I am a 32 year old scottish gamer here to RP and enjoy the world that is FFXIV. I am open to all themes of rp, slice of life, dark, mature. Rael is on Balmung, feel free to reach out ingame to set up a scene, chat or ask any questions you may have.

Artist Credit - Shianla, Torrjm, Alcred, and LesleyLycan